Divorce Lawyer Wheaton IL | The Crucial Role of a Financial Expert in Collaborative Divorce

Divorce involves not only an emotional separation but also the need to untangle finances and assets accumulated during the marriage. At The Law Office of Tania K. Harvey, our divorce lawyer Wheaton IL is well positioned to help you navigate the divorce process and ensure your financials are secure. If you’re looking for an experienced…

Collaborative divorce attorney Wheaton Illinois | Divorcing after 50

Divorce is never easy, but it can be especially challenging when you’re over 50. The rest of your life is already mapped out, and divorce is a major change that can affect everything from your finances to relationships with friends and family members. If you are in this situation, our collaborative divorce attorney Wheaton Illinois…

Collaborative divorce attorney in Wheaton IL | Common Questions about Collaborative Divorce

A collaborative divorce is a way for couples to end their marriage without going through the typical, combative court process. At The Law Office of Tania K. Harvey, our collaborative divorce attorney in Wheaton IL focuses on collaboration and mediation. Our astonishing advocacy on behalf of our clients has led to remarkable results on their…

Collaborative Divorce Attorney in Wheaton Illinois | Social Media and Divorce

As a collaborative divorce attorney in Wheaton Illinois, I have seen instances where social media has been used to show what an ex is spending money on, where they have gone, and if they’ve engaged in illegal activities. That is why it is extremely important to use discretion when posting on social media during the…

Collaborative divorce lawyer Wheaton IL | 3 indicators that Collaborative Divorce May be right for you

Divorce can be a messy, painful process. It’s no wonder that so many people dread going through it. If you’re considering getting divorced, you may be wondering if collaborative divorce is right for you. For a consultation, contact our collaborative divorce lawyer Wheaton IL. At The Law Office of Tania K. Harvey, our advocacy on…

Tips for Divorced Families During the Holiday Season | Collaborative Divorce Wheaton

During the holiday season, it can be difficult for divorced families. With so many transitions and traditions to deal with, keeping everyone happy is a tall order. If you’ve participated in a collaborative divorce Wheaton, you likely have a solid plan in place. That is the first step to ensure you have a good holiday…

Mental Health Issues and Divorce | Collaborative Divorce in Wheaton

With World Mental Health Day on October 10th, it is essential that we acknowledge the impact divorce can have on many individuals. The truth is, the effects of mental health issues are real and have a strong impact on many families. A divorce is already an incredibly stressful situation. When there is the addition of…

How divorce affects children | Collaborative Divorce Attorney in Illinois

It is normal for children to experience sadness and anger when their parents divorce. As a collaborative divorce attorney in Illinois, I know that many people are concerned about how their kids will react to their new family situation. It is important to remember that children react differently based on their age and personality. It’s…

Back to School After a Divorce | Collaborative Divorce Lawyer in Illinois

As a top collaborative divorce lawyer in Illinois, I have seen the impact divorce and separation can have on children. It can be especially challenging when school starts. They’ve already experienced a big family shift and now they have a new class, new teacher, and new friends. All of this can make them particularly anxious….