Collaboration and mediation are innovative approaches to ending a marriage that correct the grueling process of litigation that legal scholars, legal professionals, and most importantly, those pursuing divorce, recognize as an inefficient and costly system.
Collaboration and mediation allow all parties to formulate ideas and use those to craft an agreement. The collaborative divorce attorneys or mediators work to ensure that all parties focus on the big picture and solutions are beneficial to everyone. These processes mitigate the pain that a lengthy litigation process can cause.
Every family is different and their may be difficult issues that make it unlikely, even impossible, that you and your partner can compromise. If your situation warrants negotiation or litigation, The Law Office of Tania K. Harvey will support you through these processes. Our experience and our commitment to ensuring a beneficial outcome for our client is reflected in our remarkable results for cases we have negotiated and litigated.
“Traditional litigation is a mistake that must be corrected… For some disputes trials will be the only means, but for many claims trials by adversarial contest must in time go the way of the ancient trial by battle and blood. Our system is too costly, too painful, too destructive, too inefficient for really civilized people.”
Chief Justice Warren E. Burger, (Ret.) U.S. Supreme Court.
Collaborative Divorce
Collaboration is one innovative approach to family law that The Law Office of Tania K. Harvey executes efficiently and effectively. Through the collaborative law process, we will work together, with your spouse and your spouse’s attorney to come to an agreement that is beneficial for everyone. This process takes place in private and keeps you and your family out of the courtroom.

Mediation is another innovative approach and is often chosen by parties who want to, or need to, preserve an amicable personal or working relationship. If you have children together or are business partners, mediation can help result in a win-win for both parties ensuring that you can move forward and maintain a civil relationship, so you can work together personally or professionally.

More than 90% of divorce cases settle without going to trial and one of the main ways that happens is negotiation. This is primarily because both parties tend to recognize the benefits of avoiding a strenuous litigation process and recognize the benefits of being the decision makers in the process. A judge, who does not know you, your partner, or the complexities of your family law matters, is not needed to render a decision that will impact you the rest of your life. Negotiating a divorce settlement agreement can be a smoother and shorter process than litigation and can provide you with more desirable results.

Litigation is what most people think about when they are seeking a divorce. Everyone has encountered divorce court stories from family, friends, or personal experience. Although this is the common notion about divorce, only about 5-10% of divorces are fully litigated in court. Most divorces are settled through negotiation, collaboration, or mediation. However, there are times when litigation is the only option to resolve your family law matter and you will need an experienced divorce lawyer.

Our experience, as family law attorneys, has provided us with the resources and experience to ensure the Law Office of Tania K. Harvey can effectively utilize different approaches to resolve your family law matters. In addition, our innovative approach can save you time, money, and the additional pain a long litigation process may incur. We will work tirelessly towards smarter solutions that will allow you to move forward and enjoy your future.