As a collaborative divorce attorney in Wheaton Illinois, I have seen instances where social media has been used to show what an ex is spending money on, where they have gone, and if they’ve engaged in illegal activities. That is why it is extremely important to use discretion when posting on social media during the divorce process. If you need support with your divorce, contact The Law Office of Tania K. Harvey at 312-803-5845 for a consultation.
The information that you post on Facebook, Instagram, TikTok, and other platforms can be used against you in divorce proceedings. This may include posts that have nothing to do with your spouse or ex-spouse but which provide information on finances, assets, spending, and illegal activity.

Social media during a divorce
Social media is an important part of many people’s daily lives. It allows them to communicate with friends and family members, connect with others who share the same interests, post updates about their lives, promote businesses, and pursue employment opportunities.
It’s important to remember that social media can be helpful or harmful, depending on your situation. It may be helpful to reach out to friends to express frustrations or seek support about what you’re going through. It also may be harmful if you post about spending and are dissipating the marital assets.
You may not have control over what’s posted on your profile. Your social media accounts could be used against you in a divorce court, especially if they contain information that makes it look like you are hiding assets or trying to hide information from your spouse. If the court finds out about this evidence, they could order that all access to your account be revoked until after the case has been resolved.
You may also find yourself having to provide passwords for all of your social media accounts if requested by the court so that both parties can review them together and make sure everything is fair when dividing up assets at the end of an agreement or trial period. If you’re concerned about your or your ex’s social media accounts, contact a collaborative divorce attorney in Wheaton Illinois at The Law Office of Tania K. Harvey.
Things to consider about social media
Once you’ve decided to divorce, you may want to consider deleting some posts and unfriending certain people. It’s best to make sure that anything posted online doesn’t contradict what you’re saying to the attorneys or a judge. You may want to limit who sees the things that are public on social media accounts by changing privacy settings accordingly. Use different passwords for each account so that no one else can log into them without permission.
Although Illinois is a no-fault state, infidelity can lead to a host of other issues. Especially those related to finances and dissipation of marital assets. Communication of sensitive information on social media, such as financial details and personal photos, can result in financial settlements or judgments you may not like.
It’s important to work with an experienced collaborative divorce attorney in Wheaton Illinois who understands how to manage these issues during the proceedings.
Contact our collaborative divorce attorney in Wheaton Illinois for a consultation
Social media can be a dangerous tool during a divorce. You can use it to help your case and or it can be used against you. The best thing to do is limit what people see and make sure that there is no sensitive information being shared through these platforms.

If you’re going through divorce, consider deleting or limiting your social media posts. This can help mitigate risk of a financial settlement or judgment that may not align with your future goals. Your collaborative divorce attorney in Wheaton Illinois will help you navigate the divorce process and get you a settlement or judgment that is best for you and your family.