Divorce Attorney in Wheaton IL | Common Examples of Asset Dissipation in Illinois

Divorce can be a complex and emotionally challenging process, especially when it comes to dividing marital assets. Whether you have basic or complex financial needs, it is important that you understand the consequences of financial decisions so your assets are protected and your financial future is secure. Our divorce attorney in Wheaton IL can help…

Divorce Attorney in Wheaton Illinois | Child Support Pass Through Payment in Illinois

Child support is a vital component in ensuring the financial well-being of children in families experiencing separation or divorce. And Illinois has become the first state to ensure that low-income families receive the entirety of their child support money with the Child Support Pass Through Payment Rule enacted by Governor Pritzker. At The Law Office…

As a family law attorney in Wheaton Illinois, I want you to have a basic understanding of Illinois alimony laws

Of course getting a divorce will change your financial situation, especially if you are a stay at home parent, a disabled spouse, or a homemaker. However, in these situations it is likely that you are entitled to spousal maintenance (which is more commonly known as alimony). As a family law attorney in Wheaton Illinois, I…