Divorce can be a messy, painful process. It’s no wonder that so many people dread going through it. If you’re considering getting divorced, you may be wondering if collaborative divorce is right for you. For a consultation, contact our collaborative divorce lawyer Wheaton IL. At The Law Office of Tania K. Harvey, our advocacy on behalf of our clients, has led to remarkable results.
Collaborative divorce is the fastest growing type of divorce in the U.S., and it has many advantages over other methods of getting divorce. Contact us at 312-803-5845 to begin the process.

1. You and your spouse can work together
If you and your spouse agree to a collaborative divorce, that means you are able to work together to set goals and make decisions that are best for everyone. You don’t want to spend all your time and waste all of your money arguing about things that are inconsequential in the grand scheme of things. Rather, you want to craft a settlement agreement that works to protect your finances and family.
Collaborative divorces are done with the help of an experienced collaborative divorce lawyer Wheaton IL. These attorneys, like Tania K. Harvey, are specially trained in collaborative law and the collaborative process. They are committed to making sure your needs are met and masterful at negotiating with the other side. Their training helps them come up with unique and creative solutions that meet everyone’s goals.
2. You want to limit the cost and time of your divorce
Every family is unique, so there is no set time frame for divorce. However, divorce can be expensive and time consuming. This is especially true if you pursue a more traditional path. That process can be more adversarial, which means lawyers and individuals will spend more time fighting over little things. That means that each partner will have to pay more in legal fees. That means that it will take more time to resolve issues. And, if the case ends up going to court, you will have to wait for a judge to put you on the schedule, costing you more time and money.
You might find that you’re able to save money and time by choosing collaborative divorce. A collaborative divorce lawyer Wheaton IL can save money on legal fees. That is because everyone is working together to agree on essential issues. Both parties are involved in every decision made during the process of ending their marriage. A divorce is already a tenuous situation, so alleviating stress and saving yourself time and money is a welcome reprieve.
3. You want to avoid contention in the divorce process
If you’re looking for a way to avoid the stress and contention that can come with divorce, then collaborative divorce may be right for you. Collaborative attorneys work with their clients to develop an agreement that both parties are happy with and can agree upon. The process is much less adversarial than traditional litigation, which means there’s less chance of conflict between the two parties involved in your case.
In addition, if there are some items you and your partner are struggling over, you can consult with additional experts that will help you move the process forward. There are specially trained financial specialists, child specialists, and divorce coaches that can help with the collaborative process. Along with the collaborative divorce lawyer Wheaton IL, they have specialized training to ensure that an agreement is reached and beneficial for everyone.

A collaborative divorce lawyer Wheaton IL may be right for you
If you can work together, want to limit the time and cost of your divorce, and want to avoid contention, then collaborative divorce may be a great option for you! A qualified and passionate collaborative divorce lawyer Wheaton IL can help you and your spouse reach agreement about how to divide assets and debts, how to protect your children, and how to ensure your futures are secure. Contact The Law Office of Tania K. Harvey today for a consultation and to pursue collaborative divorce.