A collaborative divorce is a way for couples to end their marriage without going through the typical, combative court process. At The Law Office of Tania K. Harvey, our collaborative divorce attorney in Wheaton IL focuses on collaboration and mediation. Our astonishing advocacy on behalf of our clients has led to remarkable results on their behalf. Contact us today at 312-803-5845 for a free consultation.
What is a collaborative divorce?
Collaborative divorce is a process in which both parties work with their attorneys to reach an agreement without going to court. It’s a less expensive and more efficient way to resolve a divorce, but this option may not be for everyone. .
If two people want to split up amicably, make sure that their children will be taken care of, and want to focus on the future, a collaborative divorce can be the best way to accomplish those things. If you are able to communicate with your spouse and set your hostilities aside to work through the process, collaboration can be more cost effective than traditional divorce.

If you are interested in learning more about the process, our collaborative divorce attorney in Wheaton IL is here to support you. Our legal team has the experience and compassion to ensure you are fully supported and your goals are met.
How does a collaborative divorce work?
A collaborative divorce is a voluntary process that allows you, your spouse, and your attorneys to work together in an effort to reach an agreement on all issues related to your divorce. It’s not an adversarial process like litigation, but rather a co-operative approach where both parties must agree on the terms of their divorce.
The collaborative process typically involves some important steps. First, both parties must agree to work collaboratively and sign a participation agreement. Then, each party hires a collaborative divorce attorney in Wheaton IL to represent them. These attorneys are specifically trained to navigate this process and work towards resolutions with their clients.
Discovery is when information is gathered about important issues such as finances and children. The discovery phase can take place either before or after the process begins depending on each case’s unique circumstances. Discovery helps both parties understand each other’s perspectives better so they can find common ground when negotiating agreements later.
Several meetings are then held where each person is able to discuss everyone’s needs, set goals, and work towards those goals. Once an agreement is reached, one attorney will write it up and there will be a court hearing to finalize it.
Who needs an attorney for a collaborative divorce?
If you’re considering a collaborative divorce, it’s important to have a collaborative divorce attorney in Wheaton IL by your side. Your attorney will make sure assets are protected and that children and their best interests are protected. Your attorney will help you negotiate a settlement, educate you about the legal process, advocate for you, draft all relevant documents, and finalize your agreement in court.

How much does a collaborative divorce cost?
The cost of a collaborative divorce depends on the attorney you choose. However, many people find the process to be less expensive. That is because it takes less time to reach an agreement when people are working together. Also, there won’t be a litigation process, which is typically the most expensive way to divorce.
Our collaborative divorce attorney in Wheaton IL will help you end your marriage in an amicable manner
Collaborative divorces are not like traditional divorces, so it’s important to understand how they work before you begin one. There are many benefits to a collaborative divorce. Collaborative divorces can be faster and less expensive than traditional divorces. They also allow the parties involved to maintain control over their own outcomes, rather than leaving them up to an attorney or judge.
Collaborative divorces are a great way to resolve your case in a more peaceful and affordable manner than traditional divorce proceedings. If you have any questions about how this process works or whether or not it would be right for your situation, please contact our collaborative divorce attorney in Wheaton IL. We look forward to hearing from you soon.