As a family law attorney, my primary responsibility is to ensure that at the conclusion of the case, you receive results that are beneficial to you, and all parties involved in the process. With 19 years of experience in the matrimonial and family law field, I know that Collaborative Law and Mediation are the most effective methods to ensure that the most favorable outcome is achieved.
I have seen too many instances of family law issues that have gone to court and on the whim of a judge, the law is ignored and all parties walk away angry and with an outcome that didn’t benefit anyone. I have seen more instances, as a family law attorney, where Collaborative Law and Mediation have had powerful and profound results that have empowered all parties to move forward and have a fulfilling future.
My passion for a more effective way to practice family law was solidified while I was a student at Miami University. I underwent the forty hour mediation training there, with the Conflict Resolution Services and Violence Prevention Program located at Hamilton Municipal Court. This allowed me to become a certified mediator for the court system and develop techniques to provide those smarter solutions that clients wanted.
As a family law attorney, I am committed to innovative approaches
My commitment to these innovative approaches as a family law attorney, has solidified as my career has progressed. Every time I have taken a case to collaboration or mediation, both parties have walked away with their needs met and their goals achieved. Thus, in 2015, I continued to strengthen my skills and knowledge for effectively navigating all complex family law issues by completing and receiving my certification in mediation from Northwestern University.
In addition, I have also been a collaborative law fellow with Collaborative Divorce Illinois (formerly the Collaborative Law Institute of Illinois) since 2015. This is an organization that believes, like I do, that court is the last place a family law issue should be resolved. The innovative approaches of collaborative law and mediation are more productive and practical processes and elicit better results.
I have seen, firsthand, what works and doesn’t work
My personal experience has also affected the way I practice as a family law attorney. After 31 years of marriage, my parents got divorced and I saw firsthand what the process should and should not look like. Additionally, my husband has a son from a prior relationship, so we have a blended family and I know the long term impacts that an agreement can have on all parties involved. My personal experience as a daughter, spouse, and a stepmom help me craft smarter solutions for my clients and their families.
If you go to court, you lose your power. That power, to decide what is best for your future, gets placed in the hands of a judge that does not know you or know what is best for you. I will work tirelessly to ensure that you do not have to experience that painful and often disappointing process. Contact me, Tania K. Harvey to begin pursuing an innovative approach and ensuring smarter solutions for your family law issue.